Whether you have kids or remember when you were a kid, dinosaurs are fascinating! From it’s their size or their feathers that draw you in, the known and the unknown are what pull people in to learn more about them.
National Dinosaur Day, June 1st of every year, is something vertebrate paleontologist Dr. Nizar Ibrahim loves to celebrate! I had the chance to sit down and chat about what he is working on now and how books can help kids learn more about these amazing animals.
About the Guest:
Nizar Ibrahim is a vertebrate paleontologist and comparative anatomist with a background in the bio-and geosciences and a Ph.D. in vertebrate paleontology. His teaching and research affiliations include the University of Detroit Mercy, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Pittsburgh, PA), and the University of Portsmouth (UK). Over the last decade, he has reached millions of people around the globe via speaking tours, exhibits, educational videos, books, and scientific literacy projects for young people. Ibrahim and his discoveries have been widely featured in National Geographic magazine, most recently in Reimagining Dinosaurs, and in Nature, Science, the Wall Street Journal, Discover, and many other major national publications.
Dinosaurs may be extinct, but they never go extinct with kids. While these huge dangerous reptiles disappeared from the earth over 65 million years ago, they are still very much alive in the imagination of countless toddlers and kids and continue to be featured in many movie dynasties. Vertebrate paleontologist and dinosaur expert, Nizar Ibrahim shares his love of these fascinating creatures. He has scoured the deserts of North Africa for clues to life in the Cretaceous period when the area was a large river system teeming with a profusion of diverse life. His team has unearthed giant dinosaur bones and footprints as well as remains of prehistoric fishes, crocodile-like predators, and giant flying reptiles. He is renowned for his decades-long work tracing Spinosaurus, one of the most unusual dinosaurs yet found: a predator that was longer from snout to tail than an adult T.rex, and that had a six-foot-tall sail on its back. Ibrahim’s multi-disciplinary research projects shed light on a period of major changes for our planet including extreme climate fluctuations and the breakup of the supercontinent.
About the Host:
Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.
For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.
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