Today on the podcast, we are joined by Dr. Pamela Ellis to discuss all things navigating college admissions! With the deadlines for admission quickly approaching after the new year, we want to make sure that all our listeners and families have all the tips, tricks, and information surrounding college admission and acceptance!
For our listeners, Dr. Ellis is providing her Confident College Blueprint FREE of charge! Contact her on LinkedIn at and mention BLUEPRINT25 for this exclusive offer!
About the Guest:
Pamela is a highly sought-after speaker who empowers parents to guide their teens confidently into higher education.
Known as The Education Doctor®, Pamela Ellis, MBA, PhD, has helped over 30,000 families navigate college admissions, ensuring teens find the right fit without overspending.
An award-winning author of the best-seller “What to Know Before They Go: College Edition,” Pamela founded Compass College Advisory, which has a 95% success rate in getting students into their top-choice colleges, securing an average of $75,000 in scholarships per student.
As a CEO and consultant, Dr. Pamela’s experience with the education system includes advising school districts, community organizations, and institutes of higher education. However, her experience as a mother of 3 young children going back to graduate school provided a unique understanding of how to juggle college, life, and being a parent.
About the Host:
Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is my main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing helping build multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women I’ve created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home.
For new biz owners, I also help simplify systems on social media and other business platforms to automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with how-tos and hands-on coaching. I have helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos.
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